Saturday, September 9, 2017

Degrees of Self-Awareness


From a recent case study on Originemology, the theory on Information Materialization unfolded various degrees of self-awareness based primarily from the evolutionary standpoint of animals' mental development. The primary subjects of the experiment were two dogs, an Alaskan malamute that serves as the control variable and a chihuahua that serves as the experimental. As part of its ingenious strategies, the study also experimented other specimens like house rats and domestic cats via common-sense observations and data-based protocols. In the paper, a comparative study between I.M. and in particular the research entitled the evolutionary of self-awareness developed in human infancy authored by Philippe Rochat, are analyzed, argued, and articulated.


Self-awareness is arguably one of the hardest problem in robotics, not only due to designing intricate logic electronic circuitry and programming modular apps but also due to both developmental(degrees) and evolutionary(stages) stand points.

In a recent study, a mirror was used to test awareness on children and animals. Accompanying the experiment were questions, such as: what does it mean and what does it take to recognize oneself in a mirror? What do children see when they see themselves in a mirror? Do they see that it is themselves or do they perceive someone else at the back of the mirror? Is the mirror perceived as a mere extension of the world like a housefly repeatedly banging into your sliding glass door? A level 0 category?

Newborns do not come to the world with self-awareness, a degree of self-consciousness as suggested in the book Originemology. However, empirical findings resulted from Rochat research suggest that immediately after birth, infants are capable of demonstrating such self-sense on their bodies. This is evident, for example, when touching the cheek of newborns.

Through systematic comparisons, few major indices manifested on children consciousness were noted, like the first smile, first step, first word, tongue protrusion, etc. However, I.M. argues that if children don't have concepts or words of these actions in their minds, how did they label, associate or represent these first expressions? With what? Mimicry? Symbolism? Third Person?

The poet Arthur Rimbaud once said "Je est quelqu'un d'autre", which translated means "I is someone Else", suggested that we conceive ourselves through the eyes of the others is indeed true. Rochat & Striano, 1999, proposed that self-awareness should be treated as a co-construction , the experience of co-awareness constructed in interaction with others and not constructed by the individual alone. It is not singular, but multiple.

I.M. also agrees with the co-construction theory. This is similar to the Two Brain Theory, a concept parallel to the famous phrase "No man is an island" proposed in the book Creation by Law. It argues that the statement - If  x  is conscious with x, then x is conscious - is definitely erroneous. x has no capacity or capability to become conscious. To be conscious, it needs an x and a y. As the saying goes, it takes two to tango!


In this paper, I will compare and contrast the works of other researchers, with emphasis on the work of Philippe Rochat on his thesis entitled "Five Levels of self-awareness as they unfold early in life.", with my personal findings based on I.M.

Next, I will address some issues based on the following scientific questions:

1. When do dogs become aware of themselves?
2. How do they become self-aware?
3. Can awareness be classified into stages or layers?
4. What is the difference between self-recognition, self-identification and self-consciousness?

Then, the levels of consciousness according to Rochat, 1997:
0. Self-obliviousness - absence of self-awareness
1. Confusion of extended dimension
2. Differentiation of two worlds
3. Situational exploration
4. Identification of "me" - a cognitive index of an emerging conceptual self, Rochat 1995
5. Permanence - first person experience
6. Self-awareness - third person experience

Afterwards, the stages of consciousness based on medical research:
1. Comatose - less conscious
2. Anesthesia
3. Deep sleep
4. Inhibitors
5. Sleep walking
6. Epilepsy
7. Wakefulness - more conscious

And subsequently, the IM hierarchy of consciousness based on the evolution of everything:
1. Humans
2. Orangutans
3. Trees
4. Corals
5. Bacteria
6. Weather
7. Universe

Finally, I will present the findings resulted from the Bowlingual Experiment where Zero and Peanut are the primary subjects on this research. I will also present some common sense experiments I have observed with household rats and cats.

Interpretation / Conclusions:

Self-awareness is an evolutionary process. It has different stages of development which starts from simple to a more complex system. It becomes highly animated as the system becomes more involuted, interconnected, intertwined. It increases and decreases with time.

Likewise, perception originally rooted from actions in the environment and subsequently expressed by symbolic means such as words or labels. This interpretation is consistent with the Caveman in the Box Theory.

And accordingly, just because you have a brain doesn't mean you are conscious; and, just because you are alive doesn't mean you have a brain are two distinct discoveries that led IM to the conclusion that " Matter is alive since the beginning of time".

NOTICE: Articles on this site are composed on random thoughts. The transcript may not be in its final form. It maybe edited, updated or even revised in the future based on the outcomes from the author's R & D.

Public Domain Notice: Copyright (c) 2000. All rights reserved. This article is part of a book entitled Biotronics: The Silver Species. Copies are welcome to be shared or distributed publicly as long proper citations are observed. Please cite as follows: Biotronics: The Conscious Robots, Joey Lawsin, 1988, USA.

"Just because you have a brain doesn't mean you are conscious;
just because you are alive doesn't mean you have a brain." 
~ Joey Lawsin

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