Saturday, May 19, 2018

What do you hear: HIT or KICK ?

This social media article "The Audio Clip that's tearing the Internet" was so popular in facebook, twitter and instagram that it convinced Joey Lawsin to post and share his original version of this "what do you hear " phenomenon online. He named this phenomena as The Mental Illusion of Gaming.

At the time Lawsin was performing an experiment on voice to text conversion and voice recognition, he was also developing a game app for his grand nephew. He called it "Smash The Bugs". It is a smart tablet application where it was programmed to yell HIT when a bug (spider, butterfly, ants) is smashed. What is interesting about this app is that it led Lawsin to the discovery that the Brain has its Own Mind; the mind has the ability to choose what the mind wants to think.

The Lawsin's HIT or KICK Effect is one example of the Mental Illusion that seems alike as the "Yanny or Laurel" version or the color-changing dress from gold and white or blue and black version because it shows that human biological senses have the ability to perceive differently on what the actual real norm provides. However, the former auditory version has nothing unusual because the waveform produced by Yanny is totally different from the waveform produced by Laurel as proven by the wave signatures Lawsin produced using an oscilloscope (see pictures). The pitch obviously changes when frequencies and intensities are altered. Thus, Yanny will never be Laurel or vice versa. Meanwhile, the latter visual version is due to the lighting conditions of the surroundings. There is also nothing unusual about this. That's how light creates colors. However, in the Hit or Kick experiment, the effect is so remarkably interesting because of the fact that it revealed that the mind has the capability to control itself including its owner who is in his conscious state.

You can try the Hit or Kick experiment by playing the Smash the Bugs game or by listening to the audio that was uploaded here. Then just follow the procedure below:
1. Play the game or listen to the audio continuously.
2. Concentrate and mentally listen to the word "HIT"as quickly as you hit the bugs
3. After several minutes, out-loudly think the word "KICK" in sync with HIT as you hear the word.
4. After few seconds, the word HIT will switch to the word KICK.
5. Here your brain is replacing the word HIT with KICK.
6. Stay doing this for more minutes until you permanently hear the word KICK.
7. Then, when things settle down and the word is absorbed by the mind, try to switch back the word KICK to HIT.
8. Surprisingly, you can no longer switch the two words anymore.
9. The mind is now in control of your brain even you are consciously in the wake up-mode.
10. To make it more challenging, substitutes the word HIT with KIT, GATE or CAKE.

Yanny's Waveform
Laurel's Waveform
The results of this Mental Illusion of Gaming also lead us to the conclusion that gaming has an adverse mental effect that may lead to addiction, real life role playing, mental distortion, and even death.

* Remember that this study was performed with various participants from all ages and walks of life. The result of the experiment differed independently among certain groups. Some casually heard the words cake, sit, kate, kit, hate, or gate instead of KICK. If you happen to try this experiment, please post your outcome in the comment below. If you want to download the game, please email me or request it in the comment with your email address.

Excerpts from the book Zero and Autism by Joey Lawsin.

" The Brain has its own Mind."
 ~ Joey Lawsin

NOTICE: Articles on this site are composed on random thoughts. The transcript may not be in its final form. It maybe edited, updated or even revised in the future based on the outcomes of  the author's experiments.

Public Domain Notice: Copyright (c) 2000. All rights reserved. This article is part of a book entitled Biotronics: The Silver Species. Copies are welcome to be shared or distributed publicly as long proper citations are observed. Please cite as follows: The Biotronics Project, Joey Lawsin, 1988, USA.

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