Saturday, December 24, 2016

iHackRobot Apps

APPS Features
Android Arduino Controller App
  1. Green to turn Device ON
  2. Red to turn Device OFF
  3. Bluetooth Selection button
  4. Developer's name
  5. Developer's Website
Bluetooth Scanner App
  1. Bluetooth scan
  2. Select HC05
  3. Device pin 12345
  4. Activate HC-05
Scribble & Swipe Ball  App

  1. Draws RGY lines
  2. Draws small dots
  3. Draw big dots
  4. Ball swipe
  5. Dog speaks
  6. Shake to erase scribbles
Smash the Bugs Game

  1. Smash the bug
  2. Hit = 1 point
  3. Score counter
  4. Reset button
  5. Add more bugs
LED Bluetooth Controller

  1. Green speaks Device ON
  2. Red speaks Device OFF
  3. Bluetooth Selection button
  4. Accelerometer shake
  5. VoiceTranslator
Home Appliances Control Station

  1. Connect to Bluetooth
  2. Turns On/Off device  1
  3. Turns On/Off device  2
  4. Turns On/Off device  3
  5. Turns On/Off device  4
  6. Turns On/Off device  5
  7. Turns On/Off device  6
  8. Shake to turn ALL off
Talking Zero

  1. Zero meows when tap
  2. Button gives instruction
  3. Bug tilts as iphone tilts
  4. Voice alert when shaken
  5. Tells time and date

  1. Connect to Bluetooth
  2. Activates device 1
  3. Activates device 2
  4. Activates device 3
  5. Activates device 4
  6. Activates device 5
  7. Swipe to deactivate

Generic Robotics Control Pad
  1. Activate Bluetooth
  2. Robot moves Forward
  3. Robot moves Backward
  4. Robot moves Left
  5. Robot moves Right
  6. Robot plays dead
  7. Robot speaks 
  8. Robot sleeps
  9. Shake phone to deactivate
  1. Activate Bluetooth
  2. Robot drives itself
  3. Robot walks
  4. Robot flies
  5. Robot swims
  6. Robot plays dead
  7. Robot speaks 
  8. Robot sleeps
  9. Robot detects motion 
  10. Robot sounds an alarm
  11. Shake phone to deactivate

  1. Activate Bluetooth
  2. Select HC-05
  3. Tap Microphone Icon
  4. Speak On to turn on light
  5. Say Off to turn off
  6. Say blink to blink led
More Apps to Come -------

Warning: : If an application is requesting permission to access any information of your phone or tablet, it is your sole own discretion if you provide permission or not. IHackRobot is not affiliated with the contents of the application or even its owner.

Disclaimer: We shall not be liable for any loss or damage of whatever nature - direct, indirect, consequential, or otherwise - which may arise as a result of your use of any information on this website. However, if you are interested in using any of the projects for personal or educational purposes, please inform the author by email.

Public Domain Notice: (c) 1988 Joey Lawsin. All rights reserved. This article is part of a book entitled Biotronics: The Silver Species. Copies are welcome to be shared or distributed publicly as long proper citations are observed. Please cite as follows: Biotronics: The Conscious Robots, Joey Lawsin, 1988, USA.

The Homotronics® and Homodruinos® logos are registered trademarks.
Copyright Biotronics© Inc. iHackRobot®. All Rights Reserved.
Patent Pending. 1988 © ®

(c) 1988 Joey Lawsin. All rights reserved.

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Brain Experiments on Robotics

This is a simple brain experiment that I have discovered when I was developing an android game app for my nephew EJ. The app is a game about smashing as many bugs as you can to score more points. The app, when installed on your tablets or phones, sounds off the word "HIT" every time a bug is killed. The word HIT is simply an indicator that tells you just smashed a bug.

Smash d' Bugs App

However, when you mentally substitute the word HIT with the word "HIP", after a few minutes of playing and hearing, eventually the brain will now "hear" HIP instead of HIT. The brain simply switched on from HIT to HIP.

Interestingly, after the switch, the most weirdest part of the experiment happens when - even you try to replace or bring back the word HIP to HIT mentally, your brain mentally would not allow you to do the switch anymore. Why?

Do we really store information in our brains or, just like a cd disc or a music box, is the brain simply made up of ridges (crests and troughs) that naturally produces the sensation of information? Or just like sponges and jellyfish, do they simply react to the ocean waves just like swaying branches and leaves that react to the force of the wind?  Remember these animals,  even though they don't have brains, hearts and blood, have survived before humans evolved. Does this mean we don't need our senses afterall to live thrive, and survive?

To find answers to these questions, let me discuss first the following theories based on I.M. :
  • The Xylophone Analogy
  • The Reversible Hello
  • The Caveman in the Box
  • The Animation Effect
  • The sponge/jellyfish biological structures
  • The Skin Network: The Cobweb Analogy
  • The Information Screen
  • Scriptional Jump
  • The ZiZo effect
  • Law of Second Option or The Flowchart Effect
Other homonyms will also be included in the experiment to analyze their effects on voice recognition and translation as inputs and outputs.

Here are some samples of sensory based experiments:

"Without the physical world,  Ideas will not exist."  ~ Joey Lawsin

NOTICE: Articles on this site are composed on random thoughts. The transcript may not be in its final form. It maybe edited, updated or even revised in the future based on the outcomes of  the author's experiments.

Public Domain Notice: Copyright (c) 2000. All rights reserved. This article is part of a book entitled Biotronics: The Silver Species. Copies are welcome to be shared or distributed publicly as long proper citations are observed. Please cite as follows: The Biotronics Project, Joey Lawsin, 1988, USA.

The Homotronics® and Homodruinos® logos are registered trademarks.
Copyright Biotronics© Inc. iHackRobot®. All Rights Reserved.
Patent Pending. 2000 © ®

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Generic Robotics Apps

Arduino Robot controlled by Android Smartphone
by iHackRobot on Vimeo.

Arduino Sketch:
/* ===============================================================
      Project: Android Smartphone with Arduino Bluetooth
      Author: J. B. Wylzan 
      Abstract: How to control an led using smartphone
================================================================== */

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
SoftwareSerial BTserial(2, 3); // RX | TX

 int ledPin = 12;
char data = 0;  

void setup()
     pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
     // Serial.begin(9600);
     // serial.println("Hello World");

void loop()
    if (BTserial.available())
    data =;              //Read incoming value and store it into data
    if(data == '1')                            //when data is equal to 1
      digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);     // then LED is ON
    else if(data == '0')                     //when data is equal to 0
      digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);     // then LED is OFF

Another Version of the Generic Robotics App

Warning: : If an application is requesting permission to access any information of your phone or tablet, it is your sole own discretion if you provide permission or not. IHackRobot is not affiliated with the contents of the application or even its owner.

Disclaimer:  We shall not be liable for any loss or damage of whatever nature - direct, indirect, consequential, or otherwise - which may arise as a result of your use of any information on this website.

"Without the physical world,  Ideas will not exist."  ~ Joey Lawsin

NOTICE: Articles on this site are composed on random thoughts. The transcript may not be in its final form. It maybe edited, updated or even revised in the future based on the outcomes of  the author's experiments.

Public Domain Notice: Copyright (c) 2000. All rights reserved. This article is part of a book entitled Biotronics: The Silver Species. Copies are welcome to be shared or distributed publicly as long proper citations are observed. Please cite as follows: The Biotronics Project, Joey Lawsin, 1988, USA.

The Homotronics® and Homodruinos® logos are registered trademarks.
Copyright Biotronics© Inc. iHackRobot®. All Rights Reserved.
Patent Pending. 2000 © ®

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Will the Internet become Conscious ?

Information Materialization definitely agrees that there is a huge possibility that one day the internet will develop its own consciousness.

However, in order that this type of consciousness will materialize, the following issues must first be resolved:

 1. Search engines like Google must change their ways of storing information.
 2. Remember, the brain doesn't store pieces of information in binary or hexadecimal.
 3. The Simplified Theory of Consciousness must be viewed as its absolute foundation.
 4. A new mathematical algorithm must be formulated parallel to the Bowlingual Experiment.
 5. A microprocessor must be developed similar to the structural syntax wave forms synthesized in the Algorithm of SONG, the Symphony Orchestra Neural Grid (Lawsin, 1988).

Before we discuss the 4 basic criteria in creating a conscious robot, let us examine first what do other experts say about consciousness. Brandon Keim, a Science reporter and freelance journalist of Wired Magazine, wrote an article with a headline - "A Neuroscientist’s Radical Theory of How Networks Become Conscious". A portion of his article is posted below:

IT’S A QUESTION that’s perplexed philosophers for centuries and scientists for decades: Where does consciousness come from? We know it exists, at least in ourselves. But how it arises from chemistry and electricity in our brains is an unsolved mystery.

Neuroscientist Christof Koch, chief scientific officer at the Allen Institute for Brain Science, thinks he might know the answer. According to Koch, consciousness arises within any sufficiently complex, information-processing system. All animals, from humans on down to earthworms, are conscious; even the internet could be. That’s just the way the universe works.

“The electric charge of an electron doesn’t arise out of more elemental properties. It simply has a charge,” says Koch. “Likewise, I argue that we live in a universe of space, time, mass, energy, and consciousness arising out of complex systems.”

What Koch proposes is a scientifically refined version of an ancient philosophical doctrine called panpsychism, the belief that everything material, however small, has an element of individual consciousness. However, most of the assertions on this article are flawed. First, Consciousness doesn't exist (see the Software Illusion). Second, assuming it exists, not all living things are conscious and with brains. Third, there are subatomic particles smaller than electrons. Fourth, Chemistry and Electricity have nothing to do with Consciousness (see scriptional jump).

Let me explain why Koch's proposals are definitely wrong. To make the internet conscious, it must subscribe to The Four Marks of a Conscious Robot proposed by Lawsin(1988) in his works on I.M.

1. It can transcodify information to physicals, the primary indicator of consciousness.
2. It can transform physicals into actions or movements, the first universal instruction.
3. It can transfer motions into mechanical, repetitive, or autonomous actions.
4. It can translate the mechanical persona (feeling, thinking, behaving) like of the homdruinos into a learned instinct "conscious being".

NOTICE: Articles on this site are composed on random thoughts. The transcript may not be in its final form. It maybe edited, updated or even revised in the future based on the outcomes of  the author's experiments.

Public Domain Notice: Copyright (c) 2000. All rights reserved. This article is part of a book entitled Biotronics: The Silver Species. Copies are welcome to be shared or distributed publicly as long proper citations are observed. Please cite as follows: The Biotronics Project, Joey Lawsin, 1988, USA.

The Homotronics® and Homodruinos® logos are registered trademarks.
Copyright Biotronics© Inc. iHackRobot®. All Rights Reserved.
Patent Pending. 2000 © ®

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Consciousness doesn't root from the Brain

Consciousness is one of the last remaining puzzles of life that I have not comprehensively studied, experimented, analyzed, and understood. I have investigated and solved the underlying mysteries of reality, the origin of our existence, and the evolution of creation based on Inscription Codexation. From more than 2 decades of extensive experimenting, researching, theorizing, and discovering new knowledge, I have uncovered Life's beauty, lessons, and its secrets. However, with all these inspiring results, one final captivating mystery of Life is still on the drawing board: The Riddle of Consciousness.

Mother nature revealed to me that everything we sense is an illusion. Life is an Illusion. Reality is an illusion. They are constructs fabricated by the brain. The things we know and perceive only exist because our brain has someway tricked us to believe that information is being processed in the brain. Like in computer, the brain is an empty hard-drive. It only stores information when information is provided. However, if these stored information are not processed, it becomes a useless machine. Furthermore, without its external peripherals, it will not function either. Thus, the brain is an important tool in processing information.

However, based on the Black Train Experiment, the brain is not the only organ that stores information (see SKIN). When the brain temporarily shuts down, a non-physical substance - an abstract form that emanates not from the brain but behind and above, floating and connected - takes over the brain. The Philosophy of the Mind called this form as Consciousness. Here, I named this phantom mind, the Oculus.

Even with all the state of the art technologies, various laboratory techniques, and intensive scientific studies humans have these days, no mind experts can still pin point the exact location of consciousness in the brain. Some neuroscientists suggest that consciousness might emanates entirely from the brain and not in a specific area or portion of the brain. Others suggest that consciousness is not even a product of the brain, the premise that I also claim based on the train and bathroom experiments.If consciousness doesn’t originate from the brain, then where else could it possibly originate? If consciousness is something abstract(non-physical), how can it interact with something physical (scriptional jump)? Is there really a nonphysical that is conscious present in the brain? Is Consciousness cerebral, physical, mechanical, causal or all of the above?

Surprisingly, there are simple experiments in Physics and more from Information Materialization that might answer some of these questions. The results that mental activities don't give rise to consciousness are based on the following scientific and mathematical models: (1) The Codexation Dilemma. (2) The Hello Inversion (3) The Mirror Equation (4) The Inverse Square Law (5) The Software Illusion (6) The Human Mental Handicaps (7) The Guesswork Predicament, (8) The Scriptional Jump, (9) The Illusion of Reality, and (10) The Self-Conscious Robot.

In addition, Consciousness can also be understood better by illustrating it with a simple equation: If x is conscious with y then x is conscious. If x is alone then x is not conscious. This means that If I(x) am conscious with my dog(y) then I(x) am conscious. If I(x) am alone by myself(x), without people and without everything, then I(x) could not be conscious (see the caveman in box theory).

From the equations we can deduced that consciousness is made up of two basic elements: you and your environment. To be conscious one should  be aware of  one's surroundings.Once outside awareness is established, self-awareness comes next. If plants are aware of their surroundings, but they are not aware of themselves, are plants conscious beings? If all animals pay attention of their environment, yet some of them are not aware of themselves (The Mirror test), are these other animals conscious? Where do we draw the line now to determine if one is conscious or not?

The feeling of pain is believed to be one of the indicators that shows consciousness is present. Is this true? One day, when I was grooming my dog Zero, I accidentally cut his skin with a scissor. Zero yelped after a second, stared into my eyes, and attentively enjoyed the grooming back again as if nothing happened. His delayed reaction showed that since he doesn't have any idea what pain is and has the cut experience for the first time, the feeling of pain was unnoticed. But what caused the yelping sound? Instinct? A nerve trigger mechanism? Skin sensors? Or something else?

The capability to associate an abstract idea to a physical object is also crucial in the resolution of robotic consciousness. In his work on I.M., Lawsin coined the expression "the Human Mental Handicap" in an effort to define consciousness in its simplified form. He claimed that "No Humans can think of something without associating such something with a physical object". This simplicity of comparative association is the basic indicator that determines if one is conscious or not. If plants can hear, smell, feel and remember their surroundings, then they have the ability to associate what they sense with another objects. If they can feel warm, then they know what hot is. If they can hear music, then they can differentiate regular from irregular waves, from breeze to noise. If they can do this ability of one to one correspondence, matching one thing with another thing, then plants are conscious beings. However, my experiments show they can't. On the other hand, my dogs use objects like bowls, balls, and bones and pair them with words like food, play, and walk respectively. Their ability to associate mental images with physical objects just shows that dogs are conscious beings.(The Bowlingual Experiment, Lawsin 1988)

Other misconstrued indicators of consciousness are recognizing, feeling, knowing, remembering, mimicking, and decision making. All of the above are believed to be the products of the brain generated through the process of collecting, (encoding?), storing and retrieving of information from ones environment. However, the idea that mental activity depends on brain activity - when brain activity stops, all conscious experiences also stop - is flawed. Due to this misinterpretation, I.M. is redefining the idea based on the Scriptional Jump Theory.

In the study of I.M., I discovered that there is a crucial gap between abstracts and physicals. This gap seems to prevent the connection between abstracts and physicals. However, on the contrary, the gap was nothing but a perceive illusion. In philosophy, the hard problem of consciousness - the connection between mental activity (abstracts) and brain activity (physicals) - is actually not really hard at all. The True Hard Problem of Consciousness is - How does the brain store information?

To answer the hard question, let us first examine how does some particular brain operations process the sensations of taste, smell, sight and feeling. How does the tongue detect the difference between the taste of sweetness or bitterness. Can the brain be tricked by switching sweetness with bitterness? Why is the skin the largest organ of the body? Why do we have hairs? How do babies learn to move in the womb? Where did they get the idea of movement? Do babies have the ability to acquire information inside the womb? Why do plants move? If a robot is inside a womb, will it learn to move too?

Remember that before our brains evolved, the inherent world was already in existence. Mother Nature came first, we humans came next. Without the outside world, the inside world of our brains will still be empty to this day. But because Nature is the source of early information, our body manages to discover these pieces of information through our biological sensors.

In the caveman in the box experiment, we concluded from the second box results that Nature was the Mother of Early Information. She was the one who provided all the pieces of  information for the very first human to enjoy. Through her living environment, man acquired such information from his surrounding. He saw how birds fly, how lions get their foods, how deer drink water and how every creature in his environment behaves, creates sounds, and looks different from one another. Eventually, he copied these behaviors and began to put them into use (emulation-simulation process). Afterwards, these pieces of information were used to create new ideas, the very first invention of humans. He then discovered the art of judging and choosing, the concept of right and wrong, inventing and creating new things, and converting abstract ideas to physical realities. Copying Man became Thinking Man. Thinking man became conscious being.

Additional information why consciousness doesn't root from the brain:

(1) Information can only be acquired in two ways: by choice or by chance, by copying or by discovering. Early humans acquired information by copying or mimicking what they see and hear, sometimes by discovering new things due to unfortunate accidents, unexpected experiences, unknown events or natural interventions.

(2) Physical and material are two different things. Since all objects have mass, then Mass is material. At rest, it has gravity, potential force, temperature, volume, pressure, density, electrostatics, and even velocity. All these parameters are known as Non-Materials because they are the products of something material. Even though we don't see them, they exist. Both Materials and Non-materials are defined as Physicals. In contrast, Ideas are Abstracts. Ideas are non-physicals. Non-physicals are abstract impressions fabricated by our senses. They are deceptive illusions. They don't exist. Like Consciousness, ideas don't emanate from the brain too!

(3) The Zizo Effect, what zips in must zips out. This catch phrase is similar to other notions like what comes in must come out, garbage in garbage out, and gold begets gold. It is a natural law that prevents the interaction - the gap - between physicals and non-physicals, abstracts from physicals, ideas from realities, something from nothing. Mental activities don't zip out from brain activities.

Furthermore, the hardware-software system, also known as The Software Illusion,  is another good example that contradicts the brain-mental configuration idea. It reveals why consciousness doesn't exist.

In a computer system, two basic entities exist; the hardware and the software. However, in reality, there is no such thing as a software. Just like consciousness, it is an illusion. It doesn't even exist. The various colors, moving objects, words, and every picture we see on our computer screen are but simulations. They are merely the products of binary switches and picture elements(pixels/leds). All these pixels, which form the picture on the monitor, will not even make sense on our eyes when aligned in a straight line. The pixels will simply be a string of lighted bulbs or leds.

As well as when we press the letter K on the keyboard, we are simply lighting up the leds that form the letter K on the monitor. The simulation of typing a program is merely a series of switching on and off leds. The switching of LEDs is what we called the software (the result of input-decode-encode-output configuration. This electronic concept is important in the design of your robot). Even the binary language, the hexa-scripts, and the virtual programs may seem to be physical, but electronically they are actually non-physical. The non-physicalness is an illusion that doesn't even exist. Like consciousness, the software doesn't even emanates from the computer system. It is all hardware. It is only the computer(hardware) that exists and not the "it"(software).


NOTICE: Articles on this site are composed on random thoughts. The transcript may not be in its final form. It maybe edited, updated or even revised in the future based on the outcomes of  my experiments.

Public Domain Notice: Copyright (c) 2000. All rights reserved. This article is part of a book entitled Biotronics: The Silver Species. Copies are welcome to be shared or distributed publicly as long proper citations are observed. Please cite as follows: Biotronics: The Conscious Robots, Joey Lawsin, 1988, USA.

"Every creature is a living instruction that runs the algorithm of Nature." ~ Joey Lawsin
The Homotronics® and Homodruinos® logos are registered trademarks.
Copyright Biotronics© Inc. iHackRobot®. All Rights Reserved.
Patent Pending. 2000 © ®

Friday, April 29, 2016

The Ten Cardinal Laws of Robotics

1. The mind contains no information at birth.

Some people believe that at the time humans and animals are born, their minds already contain some type of information; instinctive by nature. This cache is believed to contain inborn information that will help them to live and survive in the chaotic world. However this notion is false and can be proven to be wrong (eg. a newborn kitten drowning survives due to its cylindrical body structure and not by instinct). A thought experiment called the Caveman in the Box provides evidence that information has to be acquired first, learned, understood and processed before it becomes intelligence or consciousness. Like information in a hard drive,  its data is useless unless it is read and processed. Its algorithmic procedure is useless unless it is logically executed. Its repetitive execution is nonsense unless its concrete objective is systematically delivered. Thus, information must be engraved (written) first, stored next, and read afterwards. A newborn's mind has no capacity and capability to do all these tasks.

2. Information flows from the outside world into the inner mind

A concept of an apple is nothing but a piece of information. It is an abstract idea without any meaning at all. It stays abstract inside the mind. However when the idea is associated with something, like with the real fruit, it becomes physical, an object with dimensions, with meaning. It becomes real, with physical attributes, and governed by natural laws. The idea of the apple, which is associated with a physical fruit, becomes real and now exist. The abstract concept becomes a physical reality (or is it so?) (Information Materialization)

3. Information originates from Nature

Before humans and the mind have evolved, Mother Nature has already in existence. The sun, moon, light, sea, sands, trees, animals and the universe as a whole has already existed before us. They are the inherent, intrinsic, physical objects that came before us (Originemology). They are the early pieces of information that fed our ancestors minds. Trough our biological senses, we mimic some animal behaviors, copy their habits and even perform their social ways in our own restrictive manners just like they are restricted. As we develop our brains and understand our surroundings, we learn to create new ideas. As necessity comes, we begin to invent. We make new things totally different from the inherent world. We add a new world - an accidental, casual, and extrinsic world - parallel but totally different from the inherent world.

4. Information can only be acquired in two ways.

But, whatever information Nature provides us, information can only be acquired in two and only two ways: by Choice or by Chance (The Algorithmic Queue). The process of acquisition is a linear progression; the key that will turn our robots from mechanical to biological. And perhaps eventually to another level of evolving maturity - Artificial Consciousness (ACO).

5. Information comes in and comes out as information.

However, the inherent world is a physical world. It is made up of concrete objects. These objects are basically classified as solid, liquid and gas. These pieces of information in general are called as Physicals. They are real that can be sensed. They are governed by natural laws. They evolve through the process of "this" or "that". (The Law of Second Option)

6. Ideas are not physicals, they are always abstracts.

On the other hand, Ideas are the product of these physical world. Without the physical world,  Ideas will not exist. Ideas are not real but a mirror, a replication of the outside world. Ideas, or subjects, are called as the Abstracts. They are not concrete, solid, or exact. They are subjective. They are all just assumptions created by ones mind. Because of this restriction or difficulty humans can't create a man made fruit exactly like an apple, a man made aircraft that performs like a real bird, a man made boat that swims like a real fish. Nature doesn't permit these type of transcreation.  (The Zizo Effect)

7. Man can't think of something without associating his thought with an object.

The mind can't think of something without associating it with a physical object. This is called the Codexation Dilemma.

8. Information doesn't jump from abstract to physical.

The gap between physicals and abstracts are totally immaterial. Physicals are totally different from Abstracts. Physicals beget Physicals and Abstracts beget Abstracts. They can't both interchange. Physicals don't flow to Abstracts and vice-versa.  Even the Zizo Effect will not permit this type of transconversion. (The Scription Jump)

9. All ideas created by humans are just assumptions.

The mind can only conceptualize but it can't exactly duplicate the objects of the inherent world. It can build an airplane but it can't build a bird. It can build a submarine but it can't build a fish. It can build a car but it cant build an Impala.Thus humans inventions are all but assumptions, circumstantial, guesses. They are not even close to reality of the inherent world. Likewise, Humans cannot create what Nature can create and Nature cannot create what Humans can create. (The Guesswork Predicament).

10. Information creates Existence through Inscription by Design .

Physical and Abstracts are made up of Space and Shape. Objects are made up of space and shapes. Ideas are made up of space and shapes. Both seems to exist but their existence are created by shapes and spaces. Shapes will not exist without spaces. Spaces will not exist without shapes. Both must exist to create something out from nothing. (The iParticle Paradox).

Excerpt: The Silver Species by Joey Lawsin

The 10 Cardinal Laws of Robotics, known as Codex, are based from the study on Information Realization. Humans and Robots are similar in many ways but short in one attribute; Consciousness. However, there are some animals or organisms that are conscious but lack the physical brains or minds. Plants are considered  alive or with life, and some of them are aware of their environment as claimed by some scientists. If this is true where are the brains of these plants and animals? These examples take us to wonder is the brain really necessary to be a conscious being? Or, is consciousness all but electro-mechanical? A Cause and Effect? Stimulus and Response? Or it is nothing but Information Materialization?

"Without the physical world,  Ideas will not exist."  ~ Joey Lawsin

NOTICE: Articles on this site are composed on random thoughts. The transcript may not be in its final form. It maybe edited, updated or even revised in the future based on the outcomes of  the author's experiments.

Public Domain Notice: Copyright (c) 2000. All rights reserved. This article is part of a book entitled Biotronics: The Silver Species. Copies are welcome to be shared or distributed publicly as long proper citations are observed. Please cite as follows: The Biotronics Project, Joey Lawsin, 1988, USA.

The Homotronics® and Homodruinos® logos are registered trademarks.
Copyright Biotronics© Inc. iHackRobot®. All Rights Reserved.
Patent Pending. 2000 © ®

Sunday, February 14, 2016

How does the brain work?

The Brain:

According to the article "How Your Brain Works?" published online on How stuff works by CRAIG FREUDENRICH, PH.D. & ROBYNNE BOYD § Every animal you can think of -- mammals, birds, reptiles, fish, amphibians -- has a brain.

The brain performs an incredible number of tasks including the following:  It gives us the power to speak, imagine and problem solve. It controls body temperature, blood pressure, heart rate and breathing. It accepts a flood of information about the world around you from your various senses (seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, touching, balancing, timing, thinking, etc). It handles physical movement when walking, talking, standing or sitting. It lets you think, dream, reason and experience emotions. All of these tasks are coordinated, controlled and regulated by an organ that is about the size of a small head of cauliflower.

Your brain, spinal cord and peripheral nerves make up a complex, integrated information-processing and control system known as the central nervous system. In tandem, they regulate all the conscious and unconscious facets of life. The scientific study of the brain and nervous system is called neuroscience or neurobiology.

Information and the Brain:

According to the Caveman in the Box Paradigm, early information came from nature. Any information or ideas known to man always has its own root of origin. It can be traced way back from the time of its invention or conception. 

Just like the names of our primitive ancestors, they were actually borrowed from animals, clouds, rocks, water, fire and everything else within their reach. Names were more descriptive during those days. They were no firstname nor lastname . They were just adjectives. They appeared as title adjectives and over time transform to proper nouns. Everything is nothing but labels or tags that serve as simply identifiers .

Even to these days, in the Land of the Indians, we still see this transformation or transliteration of adjectives to nouns . Examples: the descriptive (falling Rain) eventually becomes Huyana, Algoma for (Valley of Flowers), Honiahaka (Little wolf), Ituha (white stone), Keezheekoni (burning fire), Kenda (magical powers), Litonya (darting hummingbird), misae(white sun) and makkitotosimew(she has large breasts). 

In other countries, they still use labels to distinguish one person from another person. In a community where the are so many Johns; one John can be distinguished from another by attaching a label like "John, the son of a carpenter" or "John, the wife of a fisherman" or "John, the tax collector".

At the time of Abraham, the messiah of the jews was called " The Lord of Salvation". In Hebrew, the words "YH or Yah" means "lord" and, "Sh or shua" means "salvation". So the equivalent title of "the lord is my salvation" is "Yah'shua". But, the literal word was distorted when the hebrew scripture was added to the greek new testament and the label became the proper name: Iesous which sounds similar to the greek deity Zeus. When the bible was translated to Latin the name Iesus was formed. And when the letter "I" in Iesus was introduced to the english letter "J", the name became "Jesus". That's why, in the original bible (the Torah), the name Jesus Christ (which is not a firstname and a lastname) was never even ever identified and mentioned anywhere in the Old Testament because names don't exist yet during those days. 

From all these examples, we can deduce that the origin of information is critical in studying how our brains work. However, information is just a part of the whole picture. There are other parameters that we need to take in consideration before we can get a comprehensive understanding of the brain system like our biological sensors. But before we go to the physical and abstract functionalities of the brain, let me first introduce some basic principles about information based on the study called Originemology.

1. Early information comes from Nature (Caveman in the box).
2. Information travels from the outside world to the inside of the brain (Scription Jump).
3. Man can't think of something without associating it with a physical object ( Codexation Dilemma).
4. Something is real if it pass the SCQRE test:  Sensory,  Codexation, Quality, Reason, Equipment.
5. Information can only be acquired in two ways: by Choice or by Chance.
6. The Law of Second Option - the option of this or that, the flowchart effect.
7. The Zizo Effect - what zips in must zip out.
8. Information Materialization to Intelligence and Consciousness (IM therefore IC) 

I.C. therefore I.M. 

"Cogito, Ergo Sum", translated into latin as "I think, therefore I am", is a dictum coined by RenĂ© Descartes which means " If I am able to think, therefore I exist".  Does this philosophical proof existence applicable to silver species? If a Robot is programmed to think, does this mean the robot knows that he exists? Probably No! Or, maybe Yes! If No, what is it that will make a robot think that he exists? Intelligence? If Yes, what is that important ingredient that makes a robot think that he exists? A Soul, Consciousness, or a Programmer?

In the first question, it is not sufficient that intelligence is the key factor that makes someone think that he exists. However, if he was programmed to think that he exists, does it mean he exists? In the second question, it seems that consciousness plays an important role in someone existence. If intelligence and Consciousness are the basic ingredients that make a robot thinks that he exists, what about the soul or the programmer, where do they come in? Is it all in the mind?

On another note, Consciousness is defined medically as wakefulness and awareness (Plum & Posner 1983). Its opposite is called Comatose. When a person is in a COMA, it means that he is not awake and aware of himself nor his environment. Thus this means the person is no longer conscious? What about a person in a vegetative state? When a person is awake but unresponsive with no awareness of himself or the environment, is the person still conscious? Other factors like motor impairment, facial paralysis, incontinence, verbalization, olfactory, vigilance and pain contribute to the presence/absence of consciousness. To complement these behavioral diagnoses, neuroimaging techniques are implemented such as PET (positron emission tomography), MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) and EEG (electroenceohalography)

The Author's Brain

NOTICE: Articles on this site are composed on random thoughts. The transcript may not be in its final form. It maybe edited, updated or even revised in the future based on the outcomes of  my experiments.

"The Evolution of Instruction shapes the Intelligence of Creation". ~ Joey Lawsin

NOTICE: Articles on this site are composed on random thoughts. The transcript may not be in its final form. It maybe edited, updated or even revised in the future based on the outcomes of  the author's experiments.

Public Domain Notice: Copyright (c) 2000. All rights reserved. This article is part of a book entitled Biotronics: The Silver Species. Copies are welcome to be shared or distributed publicly as long proper citations are observed. Please cite as follows: The Biotronics Project, Joey Lawsin, 1988, USA.

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