Saturday, November 11, 2017

Subconsciousness: The Power Over Consciousness

Have you ever experienced in your life that sensations of falling almost at the edge of your bed while asleep, seeing the event as part of your dream, triggering a warning that wakes you up away from the "virtual" world, making your mind conscious again, and eventually controlling your body from falling down the floor?

What about the experience of walking while sleeping, is this a part of subconsciousness or consciousness?

What manages these fears, laughter, thoughts, emotions, interactions we sense in our dreams, is it consciousness or subconsciousness?

If it is subconsciousness, how does it supersede consciousness when we are dreaming? Why?

If subconsciousness has the power to control consciousness, why not vice-versa?

Is subconsciousness a part of consciousness, or, is it consciousness a part of subconsciousness?

How does the body heal its wounds, raise its temperature when sick, and protect itself without us knowing them? How does the body maintain its blood pressure, the beats of its heart, and its breathing cycles without us (the conscious mind) even controlling them?

Is subconsciousness more powerful than consciousness?

Where does subconsciousness reside, in the brain or outside the brain?

Following the Caveman in the Box Theory, how does subconsciousness acquire information?

Which one acquires information first, consciousness or subconsciousness?

Before we answer all these questions, let us have the first clear definitions of consciousness and subconsciousness. Then, let us analyze how does subconsciousness acquires information during fetal development and infancy. And finally, let us examine if subconsciousness is produced via the software illusion or xylophone effect theory.

According to Ok Google, Siri, and Alexa, Consciousness, which is believed to emerge from the operations of the brain, is the state of being awake and aware of one's surroundings. It is a psychological concept, defined as early as 1690 (by John Locke) as "the perception of what passes in a human's own mind. In behavioral psychology, it is characterized by alert awareness and responsiveness in contrast to deep sleep and comatose.

On the other hand, in psychoanalysis, Subconsciousness is referred to as the zone between unconsciousness and consciousness. It operates without your awareness or knowledge and over which you cannot deliberately control.

The Developmental Stages of the Fetus Week by Week:

About the Author:

Joey Lawsin received his engineering and masters from Asia and pursued his aeronautical career working with a world-class airline company. For over 3 decades, he has split his time between teaching in various school settings and performing independent works on the study of information materialization. He developed an interest in robotics during engineering school when he discovered that he can program his computer to do certain tasks like controlling any appliances in the house remotely via voice commands. He claimed that all these endeavors make him happy since they are intellectually stimulating and extremely challenging and rewarding.

He published a few books on philosophy, science, technology, and religion, and co-authored textbooks in physics and technical subjects like electronics, computers, hydraulics, pneumatics, automotive, and programmable logic circuitry. Most of his scientific research papers are archived online with Philpapaers and repositories like Google Scholar. Nowadays, his concentration is on computer technology specializing in home automation, artificial intelligence, and reverse engineering via codexation.

Over the years, he has served as volunteers, members, and boards of various school, business, and community organizations. During his free time, he enjoys exploring the world both pleasurably and academically. Every year, he travels to various countries to gather evidence for his research on the origin of information through examining the history and culture of each civilization. On the cruise, he leisurely recreates aboard those happy-go-lucky days when he was a kid. 

"The power of consciousness lies in the energy of subconsciousness." 
~ Joey Lawsin

NOTICE: Articles on this site are composed of random thoughts. The transcript may not be in its final form. It may be edited, updated or even revised in the future based on the outcomes of the author's experiments.

Public Domain Notice: Copyright (c) 2000. All rights reserved. This article is part of a book entitled Biotronics: The Silver Species. Copies are welcome to be shared or distributed publicly as long proper citations are observed. Please cite as follows: The Biotronics Project, Joey Lawsin, 1988, USA.

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